Favoino Fabio

Dr. Fabio Favoino is Associate Professor of Building Physics at Politecnico di Torino, within the Technology Energy Building Environment research group at the Department of Energy. His research, teaching and professional activity focuses on high performance building envelope technologies and systems, and on performance based evaluation methods for the built environment. Particularly in his research activity aims at the development and evaluation of strategies, technologies and materials for building envelope integration, which are characterized by dynamic behaviour and distributed intelligence, such that to support the design and operation of buildings combining high indoor quality, energy flexibility and low to no impact on the environment

He graduated in Building Engineering with a double degree at Politecnico di Torino and Milano in 2010. In 2016 he achieved his PhD degree in Façade Engineering at University of Cambridge (2013-2016) on the topic od “building performance evaluation of adaptive facades”, spending a period as visiting researcher at University of Sydney. Between 2016 and 2018 he worked as a Senior Façade Consultant at Eckersley O’Callaghan in London (2016-2018) designing high performance building envelopes for international projects.

Since 2018 he has been working and leading several national (with ENEA, regional such as POR-FESR and trans-regional) and international research projects (FP7, H2020), and he is very active in Technology Transfer activities, holding different industrial research projects with industrial research centres, leading building envelope systems and smart glazing manufacturers, specialised building envelope consultancy firms. Fabio Favoino has presented his research activity in over 60 publications in  several national and international conferences and in international scientific journal papers. He was also one of the authors and task leader of the Cost Action TU1403 – Adaptive Façade Network, and editor of one of the three open access book “Building Performance Simulation and Characterization of Adaptive Facades – Adaptive Facade Network” collecting its results.

His teaching activity at Politecnico di Torino articulates in the following modules (while also in different Master courses in Italy and internationally):

Academic courses

Institutional web page




Google scholar

